Leave and Cleave: Make Your Marriage a Priority
Leaving and cleaving must be the first step in marriage. As stated in Genesis 2:24, “Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.” Very self-explanatory. First you must leave. Then you must cleave. When you get married, you go through the same steps: leaving your parents, cleaving to your new spouse, and becoming one flesh. If any of the steps in this process gets skipped or is performed halfheartedly, the lingering baggage of your old, single life will adversely affect your union as husband and wife. When me and my husband attended marriage preparations seminar, one of the best topics discussed was “Leaving and Cleaving”. Many Filipinos do not practice this because we have this culture of being too attached and too generous when it comes to family members that we don’t mind sharing our own house with them. What It Means to “Leave” In terms of your parents and family of origin, separation means that you leave the de...